A map of kentucky with a rainbow colored circle around it.

KASS is a statewide, non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to responding to the unique needs of Kentucky’s 171 superintendents in their pursuit of successful schools and academic excellence for the children of Kentucky. Through leadership, and service, KASS partners with Kentucky’s superintendents and their districts by:

  • Influencing state and federal educational policy and legislation facilitating professional networking, promoting mentoring and collegial support
  • Providing professional assistance and information
  • Conducting professional conferencing to enhance professional development
  • Sustaining a professional relationship with other professional education organizations to advance the cause of education in Kentucky


The mission of KASS is to develop the capacity of Superintendents, and those who aspire to the Superintendency, to reach their full potential in transforming their educational systems to produce students who successfully compete in a global society.


KASS is divided into 17 regions, with each region electing their own regional board member. The regional board members communicate the concerns and issues of Superintendents in his/her region and also communicate from the board to the regional superintendents.


Four officers serve as the Executive Committee and as such are voting members of the Board.

  • President Mr. Alvin Garrison, Covington Independent Schools
  • President-Elect Mr. Charles (CD) Morton, Harlan Independent Schools
  • Vice President Dr. Donald Shively, Paducah Independent Schools
  • Immediate Past-President Mr. Thom Cochran, Johnson County Public Schools
  • Executive Director Dr. Jim Flynn (non-voting member of the Board team) Learn More About Jim

Board of Directors

Map of Regions

List of Regions

Region 1 - Mr. Bill Thorpe - Marshall County

Region 2 - Dr. Jeremy Roach - Caldwell County

Region 3 - Dr. Bob Lawson - Henderson County

Region 4 - Ms. Amy Thompson - Monroe County

Region 5 - Dr. Robin Cochran - Washington County

Region 6 - Dr. Buddy Berry - Eminence Independent

Region 7 - Dr. Mike Stacy - Beechwood Independent

Region 8 - Dr. Marty Pollio - Jefferson County

Region 9 - Dr. Matt Thompson - Montgomery County

Region 10 - Ms. Traysea Moresea - Greenup County

Region 11 - Mr. David Trimble - Pikeville Independent

Region 12 - Mr. Kenny Bell - Wolfe County

Region 13 - Mr. Waylon Allen - Middlesboro Ind

Region 14 - Dr. Kirk Biggerstaff - Cumberland County

Region 15 - Mr. Billy Parker - Scott County Schools

Region 16 - Mr. Dustin Howard - Clark County

Region 17 - Dr. Demetrus Liggins - Fayette County


Dr. Carrie Ballinger - Rockcastle County

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