The Kentucky Association of School Superintendents (KASS) is a statewide, non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to responding to the unique needs of Kentucky’s 171 school district superintendents. We offer a number of membership options, as follows:

  • Superintendent – Current superintendents are full members, with voting rights and eligibility to serve as officers or board members. Membership fee is graduated between $1,000 and $2,000 per year, based on the number of students enrolled in the district.

  • Associate Memberships – Associate Members have access to all services except voting rights and Board eligibility, and may include any of the following:
  • Deputy or Associate or Assistant Superintendent, Chief Officers, or other district administrative personnel who have Superintendent Certification (with the recommendation of the district superintendent). Fee: $250.00/year.
  • Directors of Regional Cooperative Organizations. Fee: $250.00/year.
  • Faculty of colleges and universities who have superintendent experience or who teach in a superintendent preparation program. Fee: $250.00/year.
  • Superintendents from states other than Kentucky. Fee: $250.00/year.
  • Retired members any of the above-named groups. Fee: $100.00/year.

To join KASS, please complete the form below. Questions? Contact us.

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